My Morning Routine 34-Weeks Pregnant

Aug, 08, 2021
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Good morning everyone and happy August! It’s so insane to me that we only have 4 more months of the year and I only have about 1 more month with my little man inside me! As my pregnancy progresses and my whole body is being stretched from the inside out, I’ve been craving more stability in my life. Establishing some sort of morning routine has been so helpful with that since it grounds me first thing in the morning. It allows me to focus on the things that are important to me before the world starts pulling me in a million different directions. Some elements that I like to incorporate in my morning routine are peace, social time with loved ones, creativity, movement and nourishment.

Some things to consider

Before I jump into my morning routine, I just want to mention balance. I don’t do this EVERY SINGLE MORNING. I would say I do this about 80% of the time. Sometimes things pop up and I don’t get through my entire morning routine. Like yesterday when I had to go to the DMV at 7AM.

I also want to mention that this routine isn’t set in stone. I tweak my routine about every month as the elements I want to prioritize shift. Some months I crave more movement and fire and others I crave more peace and stability. I try to always listen to what my body and mind are asking for.

My morning routine

As I said, during this month of August I’m craving a lot more peace, social time with my husband, creativity, movement and nourishment.

Water. The first thing I always do right when I wake up in the morning is drink water. Pregnancy is really dehydrating so I try to drink about a liter of water throughout the morning to get my started on the right foot.

Make the bed. My husband and I have a really small room and it gets cluttered really easily. I always make the bed within the first 15 minutes of waking up so that the pillows aren’t just laying all over the floor.

Cuddle time with my cats. Once the bed is made, I open the bedroom door to let my cats in. It’s one of my favorite parts of the day because they are always so excited and happy to see me after a long night alone in the living room. They love climbing all over me, purring, licking my hair and face and getting all the morning cuddles and kisses.

Writing. Once the cats are all loved up, I sit down and start writing. Sometimes I write for this blog, other times I just write what I’m feeling. Really, I just write whatever I feel like.

Breakfast. After about 2 hours of writing, I make breakfast for me and my husband. If he’s not in a hurry to get to work, this is also the time we spend just chatting and laughing with each other. Connecting with my husband in the morning before we leave for work is so important to me. I always feel a little off when I don’t get that special time with him in the morning.

Go for a walk. The last part of my morning routine is going for a walk. I love exercising, but with this giant belly and the Florida summer heat, walking is about all I can muster for the moment. Still, it provides some movement for me and baby and that’s what is most important!

So there you have it! My 34 weeks pregnant morning routine.

Do you have a morning routine? If so, tell me about it! I’d love to hear what you try to prioritize in the morning.


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